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Money Bonsai Tree - 'Little Money'  (pachira aquatica)Category : Bonsai Tree Store - Trees Under $30

Money Bonsai Tree - 'Little Money' (pachira aquatica)

Price: USD29.95

Buy It from Bonsai Boy of New York

'The Money Tree is an age-old token of good luck and an invitation to good fortune. A six braided tree trunk with up to five (5) unusual light green leaves that spread out along the top of each stem. Resilient and does not require much care. Hardy and extremely tolerant of low light and dryness. It is the most popular plant for ''Feng Shui'' because it creates positive energy (''Chi'' or ''Qi''). It brings prosperity and wealth to your surroundings and decorates your home with nature and good luck. Great for home, office, dorm or anywhere.'

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