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Redwood Bonsai Tree  (metasequoia glyptostroboides)Category : Outdoor Deciduous Bonsai Trees

Redwood Bonsai Tree (metasequoia glyptostroboides)

Price: USD59.95

Buy It from Bonsai Boy of New York

'Really the most exciting of the Redwoods is the Dawn Redwood, a native of Manchuria China. Thought to be extinct, but re-discovered in the 1940's. The Dawn Redwood is a true Redwood. Like our Redwoods they are a living fossil an isolated ''relic'' species from a long time ago when there were vast forests of them. Seeds were introduced in the U.S. in 1948, and has been increasingly popular as an ornamental tree. The foliage is more lacey than our native Redwood but what is very different about the Dawn Redwood is that it is decideous. In the fall the light green sprays turn yellow, then bronze, and fall off. Only the Larches do that. Keep outdoors'

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