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BreathRx DIS362 Anti-Bacterial SprayCategory : Electronic > Personal Care>Toothbrush Main>Mouth R

BreathRx DIS362 Anti-Bacterial Spray

Price: USD14.95

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'''BreathRx Breath Spray DIS362, The BreathRx DIS362 is a anti-bacterial breath spray that attacks bad breath at the source, helps to eliminate odor-causing bacteria and neutralize foul-smelling odors. The spray fits easily in your pocket and is there whenever you need a spritz of freshness. DIS362 Features: Anti-Bacterial Breath Spray, Powered by Zytex - Eliminate Bad Breath - Neutralize Odors, Dual-Action Spritz Formula - Eliminates Oral Malodor, Alcohol & Sugar Free, Easily Fits in Pocket'''

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