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3-Pack DVD-RW 1.4GB Rewritable DiscsCategory : CD/DVD Media

3-Pack DVD-RW 1.4GB Rewritable Discs

Price: USD8.11

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Never miss another important show, sporting event, or more with the 3-Pack DVD-RW 1.4 GB Rewritable Discs. These discs are ideal for recording and recording your favorite television programs. In fact, you can rerecord on the same disc up to 1000 times! Each disc offers up to 2 hours of DVD quality video recording with 4.7 GB of data storage. They're perfect for transferring large files, data backup, multimedia, and more, and you never have to worry because they offer you secure unalterable data. Simply use the same recording method that you would use with CD-Rs and you'll be ready to go in no time.

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